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Mapbox Mobile Maps and Directions API help Revel users find electric mopeds near them to get around their cities more flexibly

Key benefits of building with Mapbox

  • The Mapbox Mobile SDKs easily loads large datasets in real time to help users find nearby mopeds and designated drop off areas
  • The Mapbox Directions API calculates optimal routes to find your moped of choice
  • Mapbox map rendering provides a smooth on-the-go experience for mobile users

products used

Directions API

Base Maps

Waiting for that notification that your ride-share is around the corner, but how about hopping on a zero-emission/electric-powered alternative and going on your own time? Revel has mopeds available just around the corner. Download the app, complete the safety exam, and be on your way!

Revel uses Mapbox Mobile Maps SDK and directions for riders to find nearby mopeds & designated drop off areas, allowing them to navigate through cities, covering more ground faster.

No need to wait for a message that your ride is here, just hop on & go!

relevant industries

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