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Mapbox for GIS: Part 1, Mapbox Studio and Low-code Web Map Applications

November 16, 2021
Rafa Gutierrez
Support Engineer, Mapbox
Megan Danielson
Education Coordinator, Mapbox
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GIS Week is upon us and it’s a perfect time to add some pumpkin spice to your GIS toolkit. In this two-part beginner series, our experts in GIS education and geospatial private sectors show you how to go from sign up to published web map that will be sure to impress. 

You’ll learn how to...

  • Design a map in Mapbox Studio
  • Customize templates 
  • Style with Components and Layers
  • Publish and share a 3D map
  • Learn how to use low-code Impact Tools

Watch for Part 2 on Friday where we show you how to bring your own GIS data to Studio and create powerful visualizations.


Rafa Gutierrez has been a Technical Support Engineer with Mapbox since 2013. Previously, Rafa was GIS Manager with SWCA Environmental and taught GIS I & II labs at Portland State University. His current focus is on Navigation products and services at Mapbox.


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