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Inform Business Strategy with Location Intelligence

September 14, 2023
Joint Webinar
Mickaël Mas
Founder & CEO |
Marena Smith
Manager, Customer Marketing | Mapbox

Register for webinar

Discover how Mapbox Movement data can transform business strategy with location intelligence insights, powered by

You'll learn more about: 

  • Symaps and how it has helped companies transform their sales networks.
  • How and why Symaps uses Mapbox Movement to inform site selection.
  • Ways that Symaps helps brands and retailers around the world to optimize and expand their sales network.

We'll take a look at the Symaps interface and how it turns telemetry data from Mapbox Movement into actionable business insights.

About Symaps

Symaps is a SaaS location intelligence platform that provides data-driven insights to help businesses make informed decisions about strategic location planning and retail site selection. Companies use Symaps to optimize and expand their sales network, whether they directly manage brick-and-mortar stores or distribute products through resellers.

Get started by reading how Symaps builds with Mapbox here.

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