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Build maps with the Data visualization component in Mapbox Studio

February 4, 2021
Kelsey Taylor
Senior Map Designer
Isabelle Lavandero
Software Engineer
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With the Australia and California fires, Covid-19 pandemic and US elections, map-based data visualizations had a leading role in 2020. Maps help us to interpret and understand our rapidly changing world. To help you transform data points into stories, we’ve made our suite of data visualization tools more robust with the addition of the Data visualization component in Mapbox Studio. Create prototypes and production-ready map styles in seconds with three different visualization types. Join us for a walkthrough of the tool and design along our cartographers and product designers.

You’ll learn how to…

  • Tell stories with map-based data visualizations
  • Create three different visualizations in Mapbox Studio, including choropleth, data-driven circles and data-driven lines
  • Find open data, upload it to Mapbox, and add it to your map 
  • Tailor your basemap specifically for your data visualization and use case to optimize legibility and performance


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