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Maps for carbon forestry with OpenForests and SilviaTerra

March 18, 2021
Alexander Watson
CEO, OpenForests
Florent Kaiser
Managing Director, Global Forest Generation
Max Nova
Co-founder and COO, SilviaTerra
Marena Brinkhurst
Community Team, Mapbox
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Register for webinar

Forest management for climate benefits, or ‘carbon forestry’, presents opportunities for people who protect and replant forests to earn income from global carbon markets. In this week’s livestream, ahead of the International Day of Forests, join guests from two Mapbox partners, OpenForests and SilviaTerra, to explore how mapping tools are helping to grow (and regrow) forests around the world.

You’ll learn how to...

  • Use maps to communicate the impact of reforestation projects
  • Use spatial data for precision forest management
  • Build a map-driven platform for your clients
  • Apply location tools to forest management and conservation challenges


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