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Live-coding demo: How to use the Mapbox Storytelling Template to create a story map

April 30, 2020
Stephen Gheysens
Technical Account Manager, Mapbox
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About this episode

Maps make data understandable, powerful and memorable. Join this session to learn how to use our “Storytelling Template” to quickly build an interactive experience with high-quality map visuals. This storytelling format — sometimes called “scrollytelling” — lets you include as much context as you want, and define the locations your users look at. It’s a great way to bring stories to life.

You’ll learn how to...

  • Download the template and choose your style
  • Add the places you want to include in your story
  • Add photos and text content to enrich each chapter
  • Publish your project to share it with the world!

Code-along resources

1. Here's the Interactive Storytelling template which links to the code

2. To code along, create a free Mapbox account.

3. Here's the exact data Stephen uses in his demo.

4. Mapbox documentation for the dataset editor and adding a 3D model to your map.

5. Other helpful links mentioned during the program: and

6. Inspiring examples using this template:

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