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Creating Vector Tiles with MTS

October 28, 2021
Ann Millspaugh
Software Engineer, Mapbox
John Klancer
Software Engineer
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Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS) is a powerful service for creating custom vector tilesets. With MTS users can control the visual design, data hierarchy, and performance of your tilesets. In this episode, you’ll learn how to use the MTS command line interface (CLI) to generate a tileset using a sample dataset on wildfires. The tutorial will also demonstrate how to modify recipes to customize and update the tileset, as well as how to optimize usage to reduce costs.

You’ll learn ...

  • How to use the Tilesets CLI to create a tileset
  • How to use and modify tileset recipes to customize your tileset
  • Optimize your tileset to reduce costs
  • Improve the cartography of your map through recipes


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