Mastering Mapbox Boundaries

June 15, 2023
9:30 am
Getting Started
June 15, 2023
Cris Byers
BI & Data Product Lead
Arun Ganesh
Cartographer & Software Engineer
Chris Whong
Senior Developer Evangelist

Register for webinar

The first installment of our Mapbox Data roundup series focused on leveraging Mapbox Boundaries. Discover the endless possibilities and applications of this industry-leading geospatial dataset as well as how to elevate your location-based services, data visualization, and spatial analysis to new heights.

Learn how to:

- Create a map outlining any global zip code or country using Mapbox Studio

- Create an interactive choropleth world map by joining tabular to a Mapbox Boundaries tileset using Mapbox GL JS

*Please note that Mapbox Boundaries is a licensed product and not available without a sales contract. Exact coverage varies by country and we encourage you to explore the Mapbox Boundaries country explorer to see all of the data available to you.

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