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Best Practices for Building Custom Store Locators for Modern Ecommerce

March 23, 2023
Marena Smith
Manager, Customer Marketing | Mapbox
Michal Klim
CTO & Partner
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Register for webinar

Dive into the importance of location technologies for retail and customer experience in this webinar together with Commerce-UI.

You'll learn more about: 

  • Commerce-UI and their ecommerce clients
  • Best practices for building custom store locator maps
  • How and why Commerce-UI builds with Mapbox

You'll also get a behind-the-scenes tour of how Commerce-UI built their most recent dealer locator map for client Liftfoils using Mapbox GL JS and Mapbox Search.

About Commerce-UI

Commerce-UI is a team of world-class developers building headless ecommerce to help brands grow. With custom ecommerce sites that combine aesthetics with technology, Commerce-UI is defining the future of ecommerce.

Get started by reading how Commerce-UI builds with Mapbox here.

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