Building a convenient and safe curbside pickup solution

June 25, 2020
Chris Toomey
Solutions Architect
Will White
VP Platform
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Curbside pickup is an increasingly popular model that allows restaurants and retail to serve customers during the COVID-19 crisis. The model even extends to salons, barber shops, and medical offices, who are closely orchestrating the arrival and departure of customers to maintain safe distances and sanitize equipment. With the right implementation, curbside pickup is a safe and convenient alternative to shopping indoors that customers may prefer even after stores open back up.

A great curbside pickup implementation nails a few key details. Customers browse and order via website or app and receive a notification when their order is ready. Then, when customers get close to the pickup location, staff receive a notification so the order can be delivered to the customer's car immediately upon their arrival. Minimizing customer wait time at the pickup location is essential for both customer experience and for driving more business.

During this session, you'll get a deeper look at the tech that contributes to a great curbside pickup experience. We'll get hands-on with a solution that uses Mapbox Isochrones to create geofenced alerts that help your business coordinate and drive great results safely.

You’ll learn how to...

  • Use the Mapbox Isochrones API to download travel time polygons for your pickup location 
  • Create a geofence around the polygons that can be used to trigger alerts for customers or staff
  • Use location to create a retail experience that is safe, efficient, and satisfies customers

Live-coding links

  1. Here's the code for this Curbside Pickup solution.
  2. Isochrone API: DocumentationPlayground.
  3. Pulumi is pretty cool. Similar to terraform.
  4. Join the Mapbox webinars email list.

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