Building Interactive Mapping Applications Using Elebase and Mapbox

November 19, 2020
10:00 am
November 19, 2020
John Frandsen
Elebase Chief Product Officer
Austin Saucier
Elebase Chief Technical Officer
Marena Brinkhurst
Community Team, Mapbox
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This presentation provides a case study in building world-class interactive mapping applications using the Elebase Backend as a service together with Mapbox. Elebase is an API-first data management platform with geospatial capabilities. The platform lets you spend more time building custom features that solve customer problems, and less time designing and maintaining back-end systems.

This presentation will share a look 'under the hood' of two applications that were built using Elebase and Mapbox: and

You'll learn...

  • How we solved key geospatial problems for users of these applications.
  • How you can use Elebase and Mapbox together.
  • About Elebase

    Elebase is an API-first data management platform with geospatial capabilities. Learn more.

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