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How to add 3D buildings and apply data-driven styling with Components in Studio

May 7, 2020
Vanessa Knoppke-Wetzel
Senior Map Designer
Todd Gladfelter
Technical Account Manager
Scott Pietka
Technical Account Manager
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About this episode

Learn how to add 3D buildings to your map using the new toggle switch in Mapbox Studio. Then, apply data-driven styling to building extrusions to color taller buildings differently than shorter buildings.

You’ll learn how to...

  • Add 3D buildings with the flip of an on/off switch
  • Control the height of building extrusions on your map
  • Explore underlying map data available to all users
  • Apply data-driven styling to change map elements dynamically

Code-along resources

  1. Mapbox Studio Documentation on components and layers.
  2. Map data sources, including buildings.
  3. Learn how to add 3D buildings to a Mapbox Studio style.
  4. Check out this custom buildings example.
  5. Here's the "stretchable icons" blog post mentioned in chat.
  6. Join #CreativeCarto every 2nd Sunday.

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