Fresh Updates to Mapbox Studio

Luisa Vasquez

Dec 12, 2022

Fresh Updates to Mapbox Studio


Luisa Vasquez


Dec 12, 2022

We are delighted to announce a few updates to Mapbox Studio, our web-based map data management and style editing tool. Mapbox Studio is a key part of the toolkit for Developers and Designers who work with Mapbox, and provides an intuitive graphical interface to help prepare and style spatial data for use in Mapbox GL JS or our Mobile SDKs.

Starting this week, Studio users can:

  • Organize styles into folders
  • Perform batch operations on styles
  • Restore recently deleted files

We also made some changes to the Studio homepage layout to make sure the most important navigation links are at your fingertips.

Organize Styles Into Folders

The addition of folders in your list of styles makes it simple to keep things organized. You can create a new folder and move styles into it, or select multiple styles and create a new folder from the selection.

Perform Batch Operations on Styles

We added multi-select checkboxes to the style list so you can quickly move, duplicate, or delete more than one file at a time.  

Restore Recently Deleted Styles

When you delete a style, it’s no longer gone forever.  You can find it in our new Trash page, and restore it within 30 days.

Homepage Redesign

We made some tweaks to the layout of the Mapbox Studio homepage.  Navigation between Styles, Tilesets, and Datasets moved from the header to the sidebar (along with the new Trash page).

Help us Improve Mapbox Studio

These updates are based on feedback and feature requests from our users. We are always looking for ways to improve, so please let us know how we can make your Mapbox Studio experience a better one. 

You can tag us on Twitter, drop into our Developer Discord, or leave a detailed ticket with Mapbox Support.  We’ll make sure your feedback makes it to the correct product team!

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