3D maps on LandSearch improve sales scouting for 10 million acres of land

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Jan 12, 2021

3D maps on LandSearch improve sales scouting for 10 million acres of land


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Jan 12, 2021

Buyers need to quickly gauge the size, shape, and terrain of properties -- which is why LandSearch uses 3D maps for hundreds of thousands of properties, opening up a marketplace to more than 10 million acres for sale.

In addition to their 3D terrain maps, LandSearch also lets buyers toggle on additional curated map data, like flood zones from FEMA and USGS water features.

“Topography is one of the top questions for brokers. We were excited when Mapbox GL JS added 3D functionality and anxious to share that with our users. Within days of the release we were able to incorporate 3D terrain functionality with controls tailored to our application and no changes to existing styling, data, or functionality.” - Michael Leigeber, Founder & CEO

LandSearch leverages Mapbox maps as part of their core product offering to integrate an immersive map-driven interface for buyers and help sellers feature their properties with detailed location context. Buyers can find land through a map-driven interface, explore properties through detailed satellite imagery and topographic maps, and see detailed parcel boundaries.

We're incredibly excited about the ways customers like LandSearch are leveraging 3D Maps to innovate for their users. Get started integrating 3D into your application by jumping straight to our GL JS examples.

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