3D Design: Terrain and Sky Component in Mapbox Studio

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Jan 26, 2021

3D Design: Terrain and Sky Component in Mapbox Studio


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Jan 26, 2021

Mapbox Studio now supports designing in 3D with support for 3D terrain, Sky layers, and an increased maximum map pitch up to 85 degrees from 60 degrees. Users can now start designing with 3D maps directly in Mapbox Studio with no code necessary.

Any existing or new style can be made 3D in Studio by using the Terrain dropdown. Toggling 3D terrain will automatically add new DEM tiles to power terrain elevation. Control the level of terrain extrusion with the exaggeration slider: 0.0 corresponding to a completely flat map, 1.0 representing a 1:1 realistic visualization of terrain, and values greater than 1.0 multiplying elevation values accordingly.

Add the Land, water, & sky component to style the sky layer. The component integrates with the new Sky API - choose between an atmosphere or gradient skybox, and set the sun position based on time of day.

3D maps designed in Mapbox Studio can be integrated with apps directly via Mapbox GL JS, with 3D support coming soon on iOS and Android. All styles are backwards compatible and fallback gracefully to 2D in older versions of Mobile SDKs so you can start using styles with 3D features now across all platforms. Get started today and Share your 3D maps with us on Twitter with #BuiltWithMapbox.

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