5 billion Strava activities mapped in 3D mode

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Apr 28, 2021

5 billion Strava activities mapped in 3D mode


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Apr 28, 2021

Athletes can now see their activities in 3D on strava. Subscribers can drop into their Personal Heatmaps to see their routes draped over hills and valleys in stunning detail.

Athletes enable “3D mode” in the sidebar and experience their runs, rides, and activities they upload in the third dimension. It’s available with any map layer and really stands out when paired with the beautiful imagery upgrades of Mapbox’s satellite maps. Athletes can change heatmap colors to contrast with the terrain’s urban or rural backdrops.

Strava saw immediate value in telling a richer story of its athletes’ experience. Senior Product Manager Will Meyer notes the impact of the strong relationship between Strava and Mapbox impact on subscribers. “Mapbox has been a great partner for us as we build new map experiences and connect athletes to what motivates them.”

Subscribers can review and analyze their biggest accomplishments in stunning, cinematic detail:

The feature is available now with a Strava subscription. See Strava’s “What’s New” page for more on this feature built with Mapbox.

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