
@interface MGLRasterSource : MGLTileSource

MGLRasterSource is a map content source that supplies raster image tiles to be shown on the map. The location of and metadata about the tiles are defined either by an option dictionary or by an external file that conforms to the TileJSON specification. A raster source is added to an MGLStyle object along with one or more MGLRasterStyleLayer objects. Use a raster style layer to control the appearance of content supplied by the raster source.

Each raster source defined by the style JSON file is represented at runtime by an MGLRasterSource object that you can use to initialize new style layers. You can also add and remove sources dynamically using methods such as -[MGLStyle addSource:] and -[MGLStyle sourceWithIdentifier:].

  • Returns a raster source initialized with an identifier and configuration URL.

    After initializing and configuring the source, add it to a map view’s style using the -[MGLStyle addSource:] method.

    The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL or, for tile sets hosted by Mapbox, a Mapbox URL indicating a map identifier (mapbox://<mapid>). The URL should point to a JSON file that conforms to the TileJSON specification.

    If a Mapbox URL is specified, this source uses a tile size of 256. For all other tile sets, the default value is 512. (See the MGLTileSourceOptionTileSize documentation for more information about tile sizes.) If you need to use a tile size other than the default, use the -initWithIdentifier:configurationURL:tileSize: method.



    - (nonnull instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(nonnull NSString *)identifier
                              configurationURL:(nonnull NSURL *)configurationURL;


    convenience init(identifier: String, configurationURL: URL)



    A string that uniquely identifies the source in the style to which it is added.


    A URL to a TileJSON configuration file describing the source’s contents and other metadata.

    Return Value

    An initialized raster source.

  • Returns a raster source initialized with an identifier, configuration URL, and tile size.

    After initializing and configuring the source, add it to a map view’s style using the -[MGLStyle addSource:] method.

    The URL may be a full HTTP or HTTPS URL or, for tile sets hosted by Mapbox, a Mapbox URL indicating a map identifier (mapbox://<mapid>). The URL should point to a JSON file that conforms to the TileJSON specification.



    - (nonnull instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(nonnull NSString *)identifier
                              configurationURL:(nonnull NSURL *)configurationURL


    init(identifier: String, configurationURL: URL, tileSize: CGFloat)



    A string that uniquely identifies the source in the style to which it is added.


    A URL to a TileJSON configuration file describing the source’s contents and other metadata.


    The width and height (measured in points) of each tiled image in the raster source. See the MGLTileSourceOptionTileSize documentation for details.

    Return Value

    An initialized raster source.