
@interface MGLRasterStyleLayer : MGLForegroundStyleLayer

A raster layer which allows customization of styling properties at runtime. You may instantiate a new raster layer to add to a map style or you may query an MGLMapView for its style and obtain existing layers using the -[MGLStyle layerWithIdentifier:] method.

  • Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the maximum brightness.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 1. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This attribute corresponds to the raster-brightness-max paint property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *maximumRasterBrightness;


    var maximumRasterBrightness: MGLStyleValue
  • Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the minimum brightness.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This attribute corresponds to the raster-brightness-min paint property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *minimumRasterBrightness;


    var minimumRasterBrightness: MGLStyleValue
  • Increase or reduce the contrast of the image.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *rasterContrast;


    var rasterContrast: MGLStyleValue
  • Fade duration when a new tile is added.

    This property is measured in milliseconds.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 300. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *rasterFadeDuration;


    var rasterFadeDuration: MGLStyleValue
  • Rotates hues around the color wheel.

    This property is measured in degrees.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This attribute corresponds to the raster-hue-rotate paint property in the Mapbox Style Specification.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *rasterHueRotation;


    var rasterHueRotation: MGLStyleValue
  • The opacity at which the image will be drawn.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 1. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *rasterOpacity;


    var rasterOpacity: MGLStyleValue
  • Increase or reduce the saturation of the image.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *rasterSaturation;


    var rasterSaturation: MGLStyleValue