Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS

The Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS is an open-source framework for embedding interactive map views with scalable, customizable vector maps into Cocoa Touch applications on iOS 9.0 and above using Objective-C, Swift, or Interface Builder. It takes stylesheets that conform to the Mapbox Style Specification, applies them to vector tiles that conform to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification, and renders them using OpenGL.

Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS screenshots

For setup information, check out the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS homepage. For detailed usage instructions, read “First steps with the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS” and consult the online examples.

If you have any questions, please see our help page. We welcome your bug reports, feature requests, and contributions.

Changes in version 5.4.0-alpha.2

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed crashes triggered when MGLSource and MGLStyleLayer objects are accessed after having been invalidated after a style change. (#15539)
  • Fixed a rendering issue of collisionBox when MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textTranslate or MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconTranslate is enabled. (#15467)
  • Fixed an issue where the scale bar text would become illegible if iOS 13 dark mode was enabled. (#15524)
  • Enabled use of MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textOffset option together with MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textVariableAnchor (if MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textRadialOffset option is not provided). (#15542)
  • Fixed an issue with the appearance of the compass text in iOS 13. (#15547)
  • Fixed a bug where the completion block passed to -[MGLMapView flyToCamera:completionHandler: (and related methods) wouldn’t be called. (#15473)
  • Fixed an issue of integer overflow when converting tileCoordinates to LatLon, which caused issues such as queryRenderedFeatures and querySourceFeatures returning incorrect coordinates at zoom levels 20 and higher. (#15560)

User interaction

  • Fixed an issue that caused the tilt gesture to trigger too easily and conflict with pinch or pan gestures. (#15349)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the map to rotate too easily during a pinch gesture. (#15562)

Performance improvements

  • Improved offline region download performance by batching certain database activities. (#15521)

Other changes

Recent changes

See the full changelog for previous releases.