
@interface MGLLineStyleLayer : MGLVectorStyleLayer

A line layer which allows customization of styling properties at runtime. You may instantiate a new line layer to add to a map style or you may query an MGLMapView for its style and obtain existing layers using the -[MGLStyle layerWithIdentifier:] method.

  • The display of line endings.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing MGLLineCapButt. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *lineCap;


    var lineCap: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • The display of lines when joining.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing MGLLineJoinMiter. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *lineJoin;


    var lineJoin: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 2. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This property is only applied to the style if lineJoin is set to an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing MGLLineJoinMiter. Otherwise, it is ignored.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineMiterLimit;


    var lineMiterLimit: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 1.05. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This property is only applied to the style if lineJoin is set to an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing MGLLineJoinRound. Otherwise, it is ignored.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineRoundLimit;


    var lineRoundLimit: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • The opacity at which the line will be drawn.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 1. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineOpacity;


    var lineOpacity: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • The color with which the line will be drawn.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing UIColor.blackColor. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This property is only applied to the style if linePattern is set to nil. Otherwise, it is ignored.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<UIColor *> *lineColor;


    var lineColor: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • The geometry’s offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively.

    This property is measured in points.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing a CGVector struct set to 0 points from the left and 0 points from the top. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *lineTranslate;


    var lineTranslate: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Controls the translation reference point.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSValue object containing MGLLineTranslateAnchorMap. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.

    This property is only applied to the style if lineTranslate is non-nil. Otherwise, it is ignored.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSValue *> *lineTranslateAnchor;


    var lineTranslateAnchor: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Stroke thickness.

    This property is measured in points.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 1. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineWidth;


    var lineWidth: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Draws a line casing outside of a line’s actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap.

    This property is measured in points.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineGapWidth;


    var lineGapWidth: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • The line’s offset. For linear features, a positive value offsets the line to the right, relative to the direction of the line, and a negative value to the left. For polygon features, a positive value results in an inset, and a negative value results in an outset.

    This property is measured in points.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineOffset;


    var lineOffset: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Blur applied to the line, in points.

    This property is measured in points.

    The default value of this property is an MGLStyleValue object containing an NSNumber object containing the float 0. Set this property to nil to reset it to the default value.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSNumber *> *lineBlur;


    var lineBlur: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to points, multiply the length by the current line width.

    This property is measured in line widths.

    This property is only applied to the style if linePattern is set to nil. Otherwise, it is ignored.



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSArray<NSNumber *> *> *lineDasharray;


    var lineDasharray: MGLStyleValue! { get set }
  • Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, …, 512).



    @property (assign, readwrite, nonatomic, null_resettable)
        MGLStyleValue<NSString *> *linePattern;


    var linePattern: MGLStyleValue! { get set }