US Fires

Current Focus: LA/Ventura Fires

This map shows the current fire perimeters of active wildfires across the United States. These are updated on a daily basis. Though we are currently highlighting the LA/Ventura region, you can search any specific address within the U.S. to see where it falls in relation to those perimeters.

Please note that the fire perimeters are the best available data coming from Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination and from the agencies and first responders on the ground. There are many variables that can influence a fire's behavior and therefore, it is difficult to accurately map a perimeter, especially with an active fire situation.

This is an informational tool only and we cannot guarantee the data accuracy of an actively burning fire.

Please refer to the legend and take note of date and time stamps both for the latest satellite imagery and fire perimeter information provided on this map, as they are delivered from separate data sources. The satellite imagery is collected by DigitalGlobe and released as part of their Open Data Program. Currently, our imagery layer shows the newest data on top. You can view the footprint for the area here.

Fire Perimeter

Fire location

Perimeter data was last modified on

Satellite data (LA Area Only) was last updated on Thurs, 7 Dec 2017